The Original Billy

(Or: How Billy Met Susie)

My name is not really Susie. And, in all fairness, your name probably isn't Billy.

But  here's the deal, for blog's sake: somewhere along the way, I turned 30 and turned single (OK, maybe I've done each a few times, and maybe not in that order. Let's not worry too much about the details because neither of those events are exactly joyous milestones for a delicate lady to dwell on, amirite?).

The point is, on a blind first date long ago and far away, an exceedingly attractive stranger approached me, leaned down to the bench where I was seated, and - jokingly - whispered, "Susan?"

Without blinking, I reflexively replied, "Billy?"

And since then, they've all been Billy stories. This is how legends are born.

Welcome to the Billy Blog.

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